Differences Between Wise & Foolish Leaders

Differences Between Wise & Foolish Leaders

Here’s some differences between a WISE leader and a FOOLISH leader

In 10th grade I read James 1:5 “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” I began a life time of praying for a pursuing wisdom. Here’s just a few of the things I’ve learned along the way…

  • Wise people have knowledge and use it. Foolish people have knowledge and do not.

  • A wise person knows that all of life is connected. A foolish person does not.

  • A wise person begins with the end in mind. A fool begins with the now in mind.

  • A fool is a person who knows the difference between right and wrong but does not care.

  • Both will impact your life. A wise person will make you wise. A fool will make you suffer (Prov 13:12)

  • God gives wisdom (James 1:5). Foolishness comes naturally.

  • A wise person adjusts themselves to truth. A fool hears tries to adjust the truth.

  • Wise people are teachable. Fools are not. They continue to make the same bad decisions.

  • Wise people get up early. Fools stay up late.

  • The wisest people I know use social media sparingly. The foolish people I know are on it constantly. (Proverbs 29:11)

  • Fools have something to say and say it. Wise people have lots to say but speak less. (Proverbs 18:2)

  • Wisdom is rooted in eternity. Foolishness is rooted in earthliness.

  • Wise people aren’t looking for a fight. Fools love to quarrel. (Proverbs 20:3)

  • Wise people don’t sweat the small stuff.

  • Fools are loud. Wise people are not. (Ecc 9:17)

  • Wise people create their own struggle. Fools live in crisis.

  • Wise people love peace (because they have it with God) and they extend it.

  • Wise people embrace struggle because it’s hard. Fools refuse struggle because it’s hard

  • Wise people do not minimize the feelings of others. Fools do quite often.

  • Wise people have developed the discipline to listen before speaking. “Fools rush in” (Elvis)

  • I’ve noticed that fools tend to finish other peoples sentences.

  • Wise people don’t emphasize other people’s mistakes. Fools hold on to history.

  • Foolish leaders think that complaints are attacks against them. Wise leaders have learned that these people often love the organization and just want to be heard. (Proverbs 12:16)

  • Wise people are made of Teflon. Fools are made of fly-paper. (Proverbs 17:10)

  • Wise people are learners. Fools are know-it-alls.

  • Wise people are sought for for advice. Fools wonder why no one ever asks their opinion. Therefore, they must post on social media often.

  • Wise people neither have to or want to be the smartest person in the room.

  • Wise leaders know WHAT and WHY…but don’t always have to know HOW.

  • Not all wise people have a degree. Many fools do.

  • Fools try to go back…Wise people go forward

  • Wise people do not show favorites.

  • Fools are fakes. Wise people aren’t disguised people (They are the real deal.)

  • Wise people are generous. Fools hoard.

  • Wise people exercise every day. Fools say things like “I hate to run.”

  • Wise people hang with wise people.

  • Wise people love the history channel. Fools love ET.

  • There are lots of fools. There are few wise people.

  • A wise person is disciplined. A fool is chaotic and unruly.

  • A wise person is laser focused. A fool is all over the map.

  • A wise person chooses very few battles. A fool is always in attack mode.

  • Wise people are humble, hungry and smart. Fools are haughty and stupid.

  • Wise people prove they are wise by the way they live their lives. Fools say they are wise but their lives say otherwise.

  • Wise people usually have money. Fools usually do not.

  • Wise people pay cash. Fools have credit cards, debt, car loans…

  • Fools are often marked by bitter jealousy and selfish ambition (James)

  • Fools boast externally but are inwardly a wreck. And everyone knows it.

  • Fools do not consider eternity. Wise people are saving for retirement, kids college, kids weddings, etc…

  • Fools should be left to deal with the consequences of their decisions. Wise people know when this has gone far enough.

  • Wise people are Christians. Fools are either religious, spiritual or nothing.

  • Wise parents will read their kids texts, snapchats, emails, etc… Fools say that kids should have complete privacy.

  • Fools are surrounded by fools.

  • Wise people are balanced people (Ecc 4). They know how to work and rest. Fools are all work or are all rest.

  • A wise student does homework right after school. A wise parent makes sure they do.

  • Foolish parents let their kids grown up. Wise parents raise them up (Ephesians)

  • Fools ask “What am I here for?” Wise people ask “Who am I here for?”

  • Fools ignore Godly counsel. Wise people can learn from an idiot. (Proverbs 23:9)

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