One idea Pastors must do when coming back from Covid-19

One idea Pastors must do when coming back from Covid-19

Here’s the idea: Create Multiple Entry Points

We all know that not everyone is going to come back on our first “re-opening” services. Therefore it’s a wise decision to offer multiple points of entry as your people and community feel more comfortable to return to worship.

As we are coming back from Covid-19 I have created 5 entry points:

  1. May 17th. We invited the church board and invited guests to begin attending the morning services.

  2. June 14. We opened the service to all, with social distancing measures in place. There were no kids ministries, nursery or cafe.

  3. July 5th. We are open to all with no social distancing measures in place. The nurseries, kids ministry and cafe will reopen this day.

  4. July 26th. We are having a vision service on this day. I’ll be sharing what has happened around church while everyone has been quarantined.

  5. Sept 13. We are going back to 2 morning worship services this day.

I learned this principle as a church planter. When I started that church I had a grand opening on March 24, 2002 (244 people came to that first service). What I should have done was had a grand opening season rather than only one entry point. The grand opening was a day people felt permission to attend and check us out. I wish I had created 12 grand openings over that first year.

Leverage that idea. Create multiple entry points for your congregation and you’ll be leading your church back together rather than hoping they will return someday.

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