Some differences between Pride and Humility

Some differences between Pride and Humility

  • Pride is when we think we are the center of the universe and god orbits around us…Humility is when we let God be the center of the universe and we orbit around him.

  • Humility is favored by God….Pride is opposed by God

  • God opposes the proud…Satan opposes the humble

  • Pride is demonic – Humility is Godly

  • Pride pulls hell up – Humility invites heaven down

  • Pride is natural – Humility is supernatural

  • Pride is how we war with God – Humility is how we worship God

  • Pride can humiliate you – Humility can exalt you

  • Pride is a destination – Humility is a direction

  • Pride wants status – Humility wants to make a difference

  • Pride is about getting - Humility is about giving

  • Pride has to win – Humility wants Jesus to win

  • Pride is the cause for most relational problems – Humility is the cure

  • Pride lives for my glory – Humility lives for God’s glory

  • Pride craves attention – Humility craves anonymity 

  • Pride births death – Humility births life

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