Eleven (11) things leaders love

Eleven (11) things leaders love

Eleven things Leaders love…

  • Making Decisions: The leader is the COD (Chief Deciding Officer). They do not shy away from making decisions. Here’s some thoughts on making decisions.

  • Responsibility: The love of responsibility is what likely drives someone to become a leader in the first place.

  • Opportunities: Leaders are constantly looking for the edge.

  • Meetings: If you don’t love meetings you are doing them incorrectly, have the wrong people in the room or you are not a leader. Patrick Lencioni talks about this here.

  • Personal discipline: Leaders seek to be disciplined in all areas of their life from the food the eat, their exercise regimen, sleep schedule, etc…

  • Hard conversations: It’s not that a leader wants conflict but they see and understand the value in having hard conversations quickly before trouble arises. It’s a loving thing to have a hard conversation with someone rather than avoiding it. Like I wrote in my article about my principles: Hard words make soft people.

  • Learning: Leaders love to learn in two predominate ways. 1) the books they read (or listen to) 2) the people they meet with. These two things, more than any other, will grow you as a leader.

  • Truth: Leaders love the truth whether it’s good or bad. If you don’t tell a leader the truth you are doing them a major disservice.

  • Action: Leaders like to get things done and they like employees who get things done. Hustle is a virtue to a leader.

  • Reminding people of the vision: The leader is also the CRO (Chief Reminding Officer). The leader must constantly be reminding people of the vision and goals.

  • Creating Culture: The leader recognizes that the work and organizational culture matters and they work to create that culture and protect it. Read my article on hiring for a glimpse into creating culture.

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