Three speeches every man should give

Three speeches every man should give

Every father has three significant opportunities to publicly speak words of vision and blessing for his child. If you are a father you should not miss these moments.

SPEECH #1: Your child’s baby dedication

This is an opportunity for you to declare publicly your vision for your child’s life. Baby dedication is about the parents dedication of their lives to to Jesus and their dedication to the vision they have committed to their child.

SPEECH #2: Your child’s baptism

This should happen when the child is old enough to make the decision to be baptized. however, fathers should be involved in this decision. At the time of the public baptism the father has a great opportunity to share his joy in this moment as well to reiterate his commitment to his child.

SPEECH #3: Your child’s wedding.

This one is missed by many fathers. Often when the father of the bride is asked “Who gives this women to be married to this man?” he simply says “Her mother and I do.” What a wasted moment. God is the one who began this tradition as he brought Eve to Adam and gave her to him in marriage. This is a holy moments where an earthy father follows in the place of the heavenly father. It’s a great opportunity to share your words of blessing over your child’s marriage.

Don’t miss these moments…they only come once.

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