Four reasons why God doesn’t answer all of your prayers

Four reasons why God doesn’t answer all of your prayers

Yes, God answers all prayer. He often says “Yes” to our prayers and God seems pleased and enthusiastic to do so. But have you noticed he says “No” quite often. Below are four reasons why:

1.   If God answered every one of your prayers you’d use prayer as a weapon.

If we knew that God would 100% answer our prayers there would be many times we’d use that power as a weapon against all who have harmed us, irritated us or rubbed us the wrong way.

2.   If God answered every one of your prayers you’d treat God like a vending machine

If we knew that our prayers would be answered every time we’d lose all sense of relationship with God and treat him like a spiritual vending machine. God will not let you treat him like a vending machine. He wants to be your father. And father’s often say “no.”

3.   If God answered every one of your prayers you’d only think about the blessing not the blesser.

If our prayers we’re always answered we’d only be focused on the blessings we receive rather than the one who blesses us. We put in our prayer and expect the treat without considering the source. Prayer is designed to bring us closer to God. The irony is, if God answered all of our prayers it would actually distance us from him because we’d never consider him.

4.   If God answered every one of your prayers you’d commit the same sin as Adam and Eve.

Adam and Eve’s sin was that they wanted to be like God. If God answered all of our prayers it would be as if we had traded places with God and now we’re telling him what to do. He’d have to obey our prayers. That would make us God. This is the original sin of man and we’re still trying to be like God.

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