12 Expectations of Board Members

12 Expectations of Board Members

We just held our annual church board elections and will have our first meeting in a couple weeks. Below are my 12 expectations of church board members that I will share in their orientation. These are just my talking points.

1.   Enjoy serving on the board

  • Serving on the board is a special privilege that few get to experience.

  • You are here because you have the gift of leadership.

  • I personally love board meetings. To be in a room full of leaders dreaming and praying about the future is exhilarating.

2.   Think BIG Picture

  • We stay on conceptual and big picture thinking

  • Do not worry about details in our meeting…that’s the role of committees and staff.

  • We focus on the “What” and the “Why” not the “How”

3.   Seek and Maintain Unity

  • We can disagree and be still be united

  • We don’t all have to vote the same way but when the meeting is over we are all on the same page in unity.

  • 5 areas we don’t compromise: Theology, Relationally, Practically, Missionally, Organizationally

4.   Be both a thermostat and a thermometer

  • A thermometer tells you the spiritual temperature: You need to be connected and informed enough to tell me what the spiritual temperature of our church is.

  • A thermostat sets the spiritual temperature. You need to be a godly leader who can set the spiritual temperature in our church.

  • To do this you must be involved in the things we are calling our people to be involved in.

  • We need your business sense and your ministry experience, but more than anything we need leaders who are making a concerted effort to be more like Jesus every day

5.   Embrace tension

  • You won’t get your way in every conversation.

  • You won’t be happy about everything and you won’t make everyone happy.

  • Not everything is a problem to be solved. Many things are simply tensions that need to managed. Leaders must know the difference.

6.   Be present:

  • We need 9 for a quorum.

  • Acceptable Skips: Work, travel, sickness and important family events.

  • If possible, please communicate several days in advance if you cannot attend. The worst is getting a text a hour before the meeting that you can’t attend.

  • When you miss know that it’s nearly impossible to recap for you the conversations and the spirit of the meeting.

7.   Participate:

  • You are A voice. You are not THE voice.

  • Board meetings are not meant to be a rubber stamp of my ideas.

  • Don’t speak unless you can add to the silence.

  • Don’t talk too much or too little. I’ll be glad to let you know which you are guilty of.

8.   Speak Grace and truth

  • Grace: be kind as you speak.

  • Truth: be honest as you speak.

9.   You can dream here

  • We love to risk and dream of new ideas.

10.  Faithfully give

  • Leaders that don’t tithe should not be making financial decisions for those that do.

  • Good leaders are models of generosity.

11.  You are vision casters

  • Be informed of the vision (which is why your attendance matters).

  • Be cheerleaders of the vision. Share it in your circles of influence.

12.  Protect your witness

  • There are things that compromise your witness.

  • We will talk about anything that may or may not arise.

  • I am a safe person to share your struggles with.

Should a pastor be on the church board? No.

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