Leadership according to my remote control

Leadership according to my remote control

IMO the best leaders are currently pushing the RESET and/or the FAST FORWARD buttons of leadership

Leaders who have pushed the PAUSE button are ones who have done nothing innovative during Covid-19 and have nothing planned for afterwards other than hoping that things will return to normal when Covid-19 is over. They will not. They are not thinking, dreaming, building or innovating.

Leaders who have pushed the STOP button mighty possibly see their ministry or business come to an end. If you have pushed the stop button you probably should not be a leader. Their plan is revival. A much better plan is reformation.

Leaders who press the REWIND button are hoping life will return to the way things were pre-Covid-19. Many things will return but man many more things will be different.

Leaders who have pushed the RESET button are pivoting. They understand that things will be different after Covid-19 and they will be different too.

Leaders who push the FAST FORWARD button are also pivoting. They realize that this period is offering a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make years of progress within a couple months time.

10 things about Vision/Mission

10 things about Vision/Mission

My Facebook Marketing Strategy to turn Scrollers into Believers

My Facebook Marketing Strategy to turn Scrollers into Believers