Preaching should be...

Preaching should be...


God has chosen preaching as His mechanism to deliver the gospel. It leads people to become Christians (faith comes by hearing the word of God) and it leads Christians to become like Jesus. Therefore it should be…

1. Biblical

Preaching is not sharing ideas. Preaching is not recommending. Preaching is sharing from the word of God. If you’re not listening to preaching that is biblical, then you’re not listening to Spirit-empowered preaching that can lead you to Jesus.

2. About Jesus

The Bible isn’t a book about principles to live by. The Bible is a book about the person to live for. Preaching should always be about Jesus.

3. Confrontational

Preaching is not simply informational. If it is to be transformational it must be confrontational. correct preaching will address sin and have a call to repentance.

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