

Below is my ever-growing list of life and leadership principles. Some are my own some are taken from others:

  • When sharing vision remember that clarity beats creativity every single time

  • It’s more important to be kind than to be nice (yes there is a difference)

  • Leverage your strengths and never work on your weaknesses

  • Responsibilities are more important than rights

  • Suffering is a gift and leads to change

  • PEACE with God first, then you will find PURPOSE, then you can enjoy PLEASURES and not sin

  • Do not live for things under the for things of the Son

  • Try a lot of stuff…people long to follow leaders who try stuff

  • “Well Done” is better than “Well Said”

  • Replace judgment with curiosity

  • Winning happens in the morning

  • Leaders are learners

  • Small habits done daily create large impact over time

  • When your kids go out tell them to “be good” don’t tell them to “have fun”

  • No one is useless; you can always serve as a bad example (Steve Rice)

  • Don’t speak unless you can add to the silence (Lowell Short)

  • Come to work knowing what needs to be done and give every job away

  • Leaders should work on the organization and have staff work in the organization

  • The culture a leader creates is the world your employees live in…so lead wisely

  • When the Boss gets Better the Business gets Bigger

  • If you think you have to be the smartest person in the room you will eventually be in a room full of idiots (Proverbs 15:22)

  • Hard words make soft hearts. Soft words make hard hearts.

  • In Preaching: My job is to tell the truth. Your job is to make a decision.

  • Doing hard things in your job leads to success. Doing the comfortable things leads to mediocrity.

  • The leader has the most difficult and most rewarding job in the organization.

  • Leadership is simultaneously the most lonely and the most social in the organization

  • The motive for leadership isn’t rewards but responsibility

  • Leadership is about making other’s lives better not mine

  • Leaders exercise every day

  • In a crisis or tense moment have the lowest heart rate in the room

  • On my best days I ask questions, on my worst days I give advice

  • Leaders love meetings

  • Leaders know the difference between tensions and problems. Tensions are to be managed. Problems are to be solved.

  • Church should be masculine

  • Success isn't standing on a mountain of your talent. It's standing on top of a mountain of your failures rather than lying underneath them.

  • Your employees need to know how to win. Therefore, a job description should be a vision.

  • The only difference between a visionary and a lunatic is that the visionary turned out to be right

  • Never hire thinkers. Always hire doers. You can teach a does to think but you cannot teach a thinker to do.

  • Most often critics don’t hate you, they just love the organization

  • Leaders don’t build organizations they build teams that build the organization.

  • It’s okay if not everyone likes you…it’s not okay if they don’t respect you

  • Allow God to discipline you. Your followers/kids don’t need to know that you are always right. They need to know God is always right and sometimes that means you are wrong

  • Always choose reformation over revival

  • To reignite a church make the old people feel young

  • Hellos should be long…goodbyes should be quick

  • Leaders must know WHAT to do and WHY but rarely need to know HOW

  • You can have growth or control but you can’t have both (Craig Groschel)

  • Do for one what you wish you could do for everyone (Andy Stanley)

  • My best visions have always been branded in 5 words or less. Clarity.

  • Excellence is difficult

  • Have a low regard for the usual way of doing things (Jeff Bezos)

  • When it comes to excellence: teach new people the standard for excellence and let all the old people be grandfathered in.

  • When leading someone and they say “you’re right” you do not have them. When they say “that’s right” then you have them.

  • Lead out of a love for Jesus not out of hate for other churches (Sabbatical 2012)

  • If you fight against Jesus and win…you lose (Sabbatical 2012)

  • Delight before you Discipline (Proverbs 3:11-12)

  • Leaders love to make decisions

  • Leaders are the C.R.O.: Chief Reminding Officer

  • Script out your sermons/speeches. Every word counts.

  • Do not hire people…Select people

  • Embrace the suck

  • The worst hires I’ve ever made were people who were hard workers but incompetent

  • Hustle is a virtue

  • 99% of problems are caused by poor communication and 99% of solutions are due to good communication

  • Growth matters…Jesus is not pleased unless every seat at the banquet table is full

  • Choose trust over suspicion (Andy Stanley)

  • Have measurable goals

  • Vision is like a Polaroid…it develops over time

  • Vision attracts criticism

  • When evaluating a potential staff member rate them on a scale of 1-10 but NEVER rate them as a 7. A 7 rating is a cop out. If they are a 8-10 then hire. If they are a 1-6 move on.

  • Leaders run towards the problem. Hired hands run away from the problem.

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