4 ways someone is called into ministry.

4 ways someone is called into ministry.

Here are 4 ways someone is called into ministry

  1. Recruited: Recruiting is when a godly leader has an ICNU (I see in you) conversation with another person in order to get them into the ministry. Timothy was a great example of this as Paul recruited him while preaching in Ephesus. Jesus also personally recruited the 12 disciples. In my opinion, this should be the predominant way we are raising up new pastors. This is how God’s voice is most clearly heard.

  2. Volunteered: Volunteering happens when someone simple say’s “I’ll do it.” Isaiah is a great example of this, when he said “Here am I, send me.” Apollos (the 2nd best preacher in the new testament) also volunteered as did many many others. I’ve come to realize this is my story as well.

  3. Called directly by God: This happens, but I think far more seldom than the previous two. The Apostle Paul is a good example of this. This does happen but seems rare. But for some reason we seem to elevate it as the most common.

  4. Mistakenly. These people should not be doing ministry. And church leaders should not be afraid to help someone understand this.

We need to RECRUIT pastors: We seem to mainly (if not solely) respond to those who say that they feel some mystical call from God into ministry. Don’t get me wrong I know God does in fact do that. But from what I see if this is the only way yo get called in to ministry then God is calling a lot of people who are very undesirable. We should be recruiting the sharpest among us from our colleges and churches. I’d like to attend an ordination service in which I would like to say “I’ll follow that guy” rather than “Oh brother.”

Hellos and Goodbyes

Hellos and Goodbyes

Four areas to find your vision

Four areas to find your vision