The new normal that I am leading my church to in a post pandemic world

The new normal that I am leading my church to in a post pandemic world

Rebuilding over Regathering

We believe there will be a “new normal” after Covid-19 in which people return to church. That day won’t come on a single reopening day but rather in a long season of rebuilding. We had plans for a grand reopening but have abandoned those plans and have entered into a season of rebuilding our church community. I wrote the following principles to guide us as we rebuild so that when the new normal arrives we have intentional designed what it will look like.

Engagement over Attendance

Our win is people living like Jesus. Sunday morning attendance has been the driving metric of the church for decades. And while Sunday morning attendance matters, it matters much more to us that our people are living out our 6 discipleship steps in what we call “the path” (worship, learn, give, group, service, invite). Engagement in “the path” is the new attendance and engagement in all six steps will comprise our most important metrics.

Connecting over Gathering

It matters more that our people connect with each other relationally on Sunday mornings than simply attending church and being hurried through the morning schedule. This applies to groups, classes and events as well. After COVID-19 we fully expect our people will have an increased desire for fellowship rather than a full calendar of events or a service that goes too long and inhibits connecting with others.

Emphasize Local Missions

The mission field isn’t only overseas or elsewhere. We live in a mission field that matters to God and to us. We have a vision called “For Indy” that plan to unleash in 2021. For too long, the church has been known for what it's against.  We want to be known by what we're FOR.  We partner with several local ministries to help bring hope and healing to our community.

Presence Driven Worship

We don’t want worship to be driven to much by a clock or an agenda. We desire unhurried worship, prayer and sharing of the gospel as we gather for worship.

Generosity breeds Generosity

Generosity to our community honors God and inspires our people to give more enthusiastically.

Leverage Digital and Virtual

It works and it’s here to stay. While we value worshiping in the flesh, our online service will continue to be viable option for persons to worship.

Mission over Message

Our people need to be mobilized more than they need to be sermonized. In other words, they need to be equipped to grow their own faith more than they need an interesting sermon that they forget by Monday.

Good to Great

Our ongoing aim (which began in the spring of 2019) is to be great in the following 5 areas:

1.   Worship

2.   Children’s Ministry

3.   Youth Ministry

4.   Facilities

5.   Discipleship

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