How I scale up a vision

How I scale up a vision

Vision is like a Polariod picture (if you can remember those). They are fuzzy at first and develop over time.

The following are the steps I take to take an idea from concept (fuzzy) to realized vision (developed)

  1. God speaks to me: I have to be listening. Usually his voice is heard through my own devotional life, listening to church members, seeing the needs of our people, etc…

  2. My wife is the 1st sounding board: She hears what I am thinking 1st. At this point I don’t have the clarity that I will eventually have. 

  3. My Executive Pastor: He’s responsible for executing vision so I bring him in early in vision conversations.

  4. My directional team: This is my team of five leaders who help me clarify what I am leading us to do any why. This group meets monthly and is my favorite meeting. They know all the visions/ideas I am wrestling with. Many ideas die or are clarified here. Proverbs 15:22 is the driving verse of this group.

  5. My staff: They are brought in the loop at this stage. I don’t have to have all the answers for them but enough for them to see the vision and begin to execute. Vision impacts their daily life so they are included when I believe a vision will be pursued.

  6. My board: They are elected leaders who will confirm the vision, approve funds and help lead it. I do not have them vote on vision, but I make sure we have unity. We will however vote on funding and other matters that a vision may require.

  7. The church: By now the vision has been clarified and developed and ready for sharing.

A few rules

Good vision is usually slow: I find that the best ideas that God gives me are the ones that linger with me for weeks/months before I begin to move on them. My fails have been when I have an idea and implement it too quickly for the process to happen.

Making the rounds: Many times I have multiple conversations (sometimes many) between steps 3–6 above before implementing.

How a Pastor feels when someone leaves the church

How a Pastor feels when someone leaves the church

Hellos and Goodbyes

Hellos and Goodbyes